أبو الوليد عبد الملك بن مروان né en 646 et mort en 705 est le cinquième calife omeyyadeIl succède à son père Marwān I er en 685Connu pour sa bonne éducation et sa compétence il pacifie le Califat omeyyade en matant la rébellion de Abd Allah ibn az-Zubayr et étend ses frontières en. Abdülmecid 29 May 1868 23 August 1944 was the last Caliph of the Ottoman Dynasty the only Caliph of the Republic of Turkey and nominally the 37th Head of the Ottoman Imperial House from 1922 to 1944. Pin On Indo Persian Photos Paintings And Items ʿUmar ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz. . Abd Al-Malik ou Abou Al-Walid Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwān en arabe. Dia menemukan celah kelemahan pertahanan orang Islam. Abdulmejid II Ottoman Turkish. Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz Arabic. Abdullah bin Zubair tetap menolak untuk menyerah dan melanjutkan perlawanan sampai dia. 5 February 720 commonly known as Umar II عمر الثاني was the eighth Umayyad caliphHe made various significant cont...